Sponsorship Opportunities
Help 10,000 Central Texans Survive the Summer Heat
For 35 years, the Summer Fan Drive and Fundraiser has distributed free fans and raised important funding to provide lifesaving heat relief and essential services that support the well-being and stability of older adults and individuals with disabilities. You can save lives and ensure vulnerable people thrive in our community by sponsoring the Summer Fan Drive and Fundraiser today!
Pledge your sponsorship by June 18th to receive full benefits.
Download Sponsor Benefits
Logo recognition:
with link on Summer Fan Drive Website
on Drop-off Event Banners (July 11)
at Summer Fan Drive Wrap Party (Date TBA)
on official Summer Fan Drive T-Shirt (approx. 300)
on Austin American Statesman Print Ads
6 Co-Branded Social Media Posts
Opportunity to be featured in KXAN coverage at Drop-Off Event (July 11)
Volunteer opportunities at Drop-off Event-wear your logo t-shirt for increased visibility!
Training for Your Employees (Mental Health, DEI, etc.)
Inclusion in Summer Fan Drive press release
Short video clip shared on the Summer Fan Drive website and social media.
Tower Fan
Oscillating Fan
Logo recognition:
with link on Summer Fan Drive Website
on Drop-off Event Banners (July 11)
at Summer Fan Drive Wrap Party (Date TBA)
on official Summer Fan Drive T-Shirt (approx. 300)
4 Co-Branded Social Media Posts
Opportunity to be featured in KXAN coverage at Drop-Off Event (July 11)
Volunteer opportunities at Drop-off Event - wear your logo t-shirt for increased visibility!
Training for Your Employees (Mental Health, DEI, etc.)
Inclusion in Summer Fan Drive press release
Box Fan
Logo recognition:
with link on Summer Fan Drive Website
on Drop-off Event Banners (July 11)
at Summer Fan Drive Wrap Party (Date TBA)
on official Summer Fan Drive T-shirt (approx. 300)
4 Social Media Mentions
Opportunity to be featured in KXAN coverage at Drop-Off Event (July 11)
Volunteer opportunities at Drop-off Event - wear your logo t-shirt for increased visibility!
Training for Your Employees (Mental Health, DEI, etc.)
Desktop Fan
Logo recognition:
with link on Summer Fan Drive Website
on Drop-off Event Banners (July 11)
at Summer Fan Drive Wrap Party (Date TBA)
3 Social Media Mentions
Name recognition on official Summer Fan Drive T-shirt (approx. 300)
Opportunity to be featured in KXAN coverage at Drop-Off Event (July 11)
Base Fan
Name recognition:
with link on Summer Fan Drive Website
on Drop-off Event Banners (July 11)
at Summer Fan Drive Wrap Party (Date TBA)
2 Social Media Mentions
Fan Transport Sponsor
As our Fan Transport Sponsor, you’ll provide a driver and transportation for fans donated at our July 11th Drop-off Event or Sponsor for $5,000 to cover this.
Logo recognition:
with link on Summer Fan Drive Website
on Drop-off Event Banners (July 11)
at Summer Fan Drive Wrap Party (Date TBA)
on official Summer Fan Drive T-shirt (approx. 300)
4 Social Media Mentions
Wrap Party Venue Sponsor
As our Wrap Party Venue Sponsor, you’ll provide a venue for our Wrap Up event (Date TBA) for the Summer Fan Drive or Sponsor for $5,000 to cover this.
Logo recognition:
with link on Summer Fan Drive Website
on Drop-off Event Banners (July 11)
at Summer Fan Drive Wrap Party (Date TBA)
on official Summer Fan Drive T-shirt (approx. 300)
4 Social Media Mentions